When I heard from a friend about her powerful healing session with Lisa Bravo and her extraordinary horse, Mystic, I was extremely excited to experience this myself. I have always loved horses and admired their beauty, sensitivity and strength, and was very intrigued with this opportunity to work with a horse in this way. Grappling with some stubborn, personal issues, I was very open to seeing if this session with Mystic could move some energy for me.
I had no idea what I was in store for! Before we even saw Mystic, Lisa guided me in an extremely generous and thorough intake session, and I quickly could see that she is truly in her mastery! She was kind, empathetic, patient, loving and incredibly wise. Even if I had never worked with her horse, the time with Lisa alone would have been life-changing.
But working with Mystic was truly amazing!!! She instinctively knew when Lisa and I had come to completion with our intake session, and she left the stable and approached us, waiting in the corral for us to come to her.
I was truly blown away to see how this horse interacted with me, and how Lisa was easily able to interpret every move that she made. Mystic leaned her body into me in various ways and metaphorically showed me how I was totally supported by the universe and by her. I felt a genuine love for and connection with this magnificent being, and a profound respect for her intelligence and deep knowing. I experienced some powerful emotional releases, and could feel Mystic’s loving energy moving through my body.
And just like in the beginning of our time together, she gently walked away from me when I felt complete with the healing work that she had done.
My experience with Lisa and Mystic initiated major changes in my personal life, finally moving the stuck energy that had been blocking me. Soon after my experience with them, I had a major epiphany, which has led to a huge, creative opportunity in my life. I will always be grateful to precious Lisa and her beautiful, magical horse!!!
I highly recommend working with Lisa and Mystic to anyone who is ready to move through any life challenges, or to make major positive changes in their life!
Amrita Raven Sedona, AZ